I woke up at 4am, fed Izzy and as soon as she fell back asleep I snuck out of our room to start preparing for her first Christmas morning moment where she'll see all her presents Santa brought. I know she doesnt get it yet but I wanted to set up a play area with all the fun thingsshe loves! My controlling bossy side came out; I made sure my dad was up helping me screw in !00 screws to put the toys together. I had no idea it was going to be so much work. took over an hour. We had a fire made, hot coco & coffee ready for when we got everyone up. It felt like sweet sweet Christmas..... like the good 'ol days of being a kid again. Thank you Jesus for being born!
As I went to check on Izzy, I had no idea I'd find her laying there calm, awake, and smothered in you know what! And all over my bed. So much for the big moment, it was BATH TIME! My poor honey enjoyed her play area for a while even with pink eye & soon spiked a 104 temp & rusged to the hospital =(. Im still nursing her back to health.