Follow Our Adventures!!!

Izabella Aura Lee..... My sweet lil angel baby was born April 17th, 2009, and has forever changed my life. Everything has changed, anything un-important melted away, and all my ambitions intensified, excitement filled my heart for all the things my daughter & I will get to experience together. God has blessed me and trusted me with the greatest gift life has to offer. This blog is to record and capture all of the great adventures about to take place in our lives so that you can enjoy them as much as I do! I don't want to forget anything. As each moment passes, I can't help but feel it's bittersweetness. We have family and friends all over the place, this way you can all watch Izzy grow.


First Bath

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Big Moment

I woke up at 4am, fed Izzy and as soon as she fell back asleep I snuck out of our room to start preparing for her first Christmas morning moment where she'll see all her presents Santa brought. I know she doesnt get it yet but I wanted to set up a play area with all the fun thingsshe loves! My controlling bossy side came out; I made sure my dad was up helping me screw in !00 screws to put the toys together. I had no idea it was going to be so much work. took over an hour. We had a fire made, hot coco & coffee ready for when we got everyone up. It felt like sweet sweet Christmas..... like the good 'ol days of being a kid again. Thank you Jesus for being born!

As I went to check on Izzy, I had no idea I'd find her laying there calm, awake, and smothered in you know what! And all over my bed. So much for the big moment, it was BATH TIME! My poor honey enjoyed her play area for a while even with pink eye & soon spiked a 104 temp & rusged to the hospital =(. Im still nursing her back to health.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve Celebrations

I got up before the sun, as usual, and began getting food ready for when our guests arrived! I was so excited I couldn't sleep, i was running around like a chicken with its head cut off .... Izabella was going to get her first gift when we got back from church. It was a high chair & we wanted her to be able to use it for dinner time and sit with the family like a big big girl. She was showing signs of pink eyed but I ignored it hoping it was just some wierd reaction from bumpin her head earlier. She ended up a lil fussy in the evening but got through present time alright before she knocked out. Little did I know she would wake up with her eye crusted shut & a mild fever. My poor honey.

Christmas Lights

So I guess every year my sister in law takes her girls out one night before Christmas to see all the extravegant Christmas lights the houses put up around our town. Last year was my first year going with them & I was pregnant, tired, & unprepared for the long adventure we were about to embark on! This year I was prepared for the 3 hour event, warm clothes, Izzy in her warm snow man outfit & plenty of rest, topped off with a lil peppermint mocha. Izzy loved all the lights but soon fell asleep on us, as did the rest of the non-caffinated car-mates!

Cousin Sarah's School Play

Izabella put on her red Christmas tu-tu & off we went to a Holiday play for her 5yr old cousin's school! I could just imagine that will be Izzy one day up on that stage singin & dancin!!

Fun at Home....

We act silly all day, everyday. I know how important it is to keep providing new stimulation & opportunties for learning for the baby, so we play, play, play. Im having so much fun watching her do new things everyday. She sits up really well by her self, pulls herself up to standing sometimes, says DA DA DA, feeds herself finger foods, stands for long time holding onto her toys, shimmies standing hangin on to table, rolls all over the place, claps & does high fives!